Dr. Fantastic, M.D.

The thoughts, ramblings, philosophies, writings, ideas, presumptions, concoctions, conjurations, conjugations and congregations of one Joel Petrie.

Who cares anyway?

I apologize in advance for this blog... it may not make any sense but I think I just needed to type something...

Today was a rough day... I won't go into detail, not because it's boring, but because it's no one else's business.

You see, I've got this thing to deal with, this... thing... called... Life. It comes at you fast and without warning... then all of a sudden it's gone. all of a sudden, what seemed to be a huge, existence altering event is over and all you have to show for it is a couple of tired, sore muscles and a weakened heart.

But, that's not all folks! If you act now, you can recieve one heaping dosage of reality the next time you've settled in and think things are going your way.

That's the problem with life when you start to get older I think... There is absolutely no such thing as settling down and being laid back. No matter how much one tries, something comes back to them and bites them in the bum.

"I'm sorry, but you forgot to do this while you were relaxing"
"EXCUSE ME! But, don't you realize what you're missing out on because you decided to take it easy?!?!?!?"

I honestly think it's become harder for me to relax without feeling like I'm doing something wrong... and to be truthful, I hate that.
No, I don't want to lie around and do nothing. No, I don't want everything handed to me on a silver platter. No, I'm not lazy and I do have ambitions in life. But, I DO want to take the chance to just sit back and be at ease without worrying about what else is going on. Without thinking something is askew.

Is that really so much to ask?

Ladies and gentlement, children of most ages...

It's a circus I tell you... A downright, six-legged, balls to the wall, get your grandmother and take her shopping; circus...

Let me explain...

About 3 and 1 half weeks ago, a small band of people got together and decided to depend entirely on my skill as an editor and my brother's skill as a producer to help them out of a rut... you know... keep their heads above water and what not... Now... I worked my fingers to the bone and my kidney's to a stone doing everything in my power, stretching my talent to it's figurtive limits... and so did my brother... and we performed... we came through...

Now... we did this... in the hopes of... well... nothing... we did it out of a sense of charity... I never asked for anything, and nor will I ever ask for anything for my time there... It was for a great cause, something a LOT of people believe in and support...

But, as it is with everything good... there is always that one person, that one bad seed, that has to do everything in their power to disrupt plans and forward motion all in the name of their own pride...

This person is willing to go to war over a piece of paper... one they say is the "legal and true" piece of paper... one, that little do they understand ("...but, I've been to 3 years of accounting school...") is the absolute and uttttttterly WRONG piece of paper... one, that if we sign, (my brother and I) will doom the cause and everyone involved with it to a certain, proverbial death... (it will bring the wrath of the Danish immigration onto all beneath it... and if you think the American immigration is bad...)

So, what is the point of this blog other than to rant and rave about the shortcomings and misgivings of the proud? To be honest, well, there isn't one... This is just something I needed to get off of my chest... Also, maybe, just maybe, it could stir up some sort of conversation among the intellectuals... or maybe not...

High Treason and a Deserted Island

Here's my thing with the closed mindedness of... well... EVERYONE...

It's not just liberal's... it's not just conservatives... it's not just democrats or rebuplicans... it's not just red, it's not just blue... The fact of the matter, and the thing that I have noticed about almost everyone in the united states is that there is absolutely no tolerance for the other side...

In that regard... Both sides are absolutely and unequivicably guilty of "Bass Ackwards Logic", as my good friend Tom has put it... (by the way Tom, my scooter should be fixed man... it's still cruising weather)

For instance, it was the conservatives that put in place the "eminent domain" law... and it is the liberal's that protest their own son's choice to lay down his life for his country... both ways... wrong...

I think it was a bit harsh to compare that man's driving skills to his political stand... even though i've noticed a lot of lib's are completely uneducated on their beliefs... but I can say the same for the conserv's...

Personally, and this is strictly my own opinion... if you agree... great, if you don't... great;

The only way America can become the greatest country in the world is to agree on something... agree that some things are for the greater good... and that some things are wrong... TO BE OPEN MINDED!!!

I know that the power to give ones own opinion publicly without reprications is the greatest gift this country has... but, the problem is... that isn't true... True, the government doesn't do anything... but... the people do... someone can be ousted from the community for saying what they think...

It was scary to think that during the last election, America could have gone into Civil war again, and it wouldn't have suprised me in the least... On the other hand it was great to see that people were united... now if we can only unite them with eachother...

Which brings me to the point of this blog... what America needs, and stop me if I'm wrong... What America truly needs is a good old fashioned zombie outbreak...

I mean honestly, what would unite a country faster and stronger than having to fight to survive being eaten by it's undead loved ones...?

You tell me... you tell me...

Cavemen smell awful

Sunday morning, 10.30, I'm sitting in the basement of a projects type apartment building in London... I've spent alot of time in basements on this voyage... weird...

Anyhoo... Yesterday it rained... finally... i've been in london a week and it's been around 35 degrees (95 to you non metrics) with no clouds and effin' muggy, humidity... I sweat lilke a thousand moist towelettes I tell you... a thousand...

Not to mention the constant, pregnant lady glow...

I've seen every cool site in london... you know... the important ones... I've been to the Shakespeare's Globe Theatre and seen an amazing rendition of The Winter's Tale... I've been to the Tate Modern and seen a 20' x 20' maroon square that is referred to by many... as art...

I've seen Picasso's, Van Gogh's, Rembrandt's, Monet's, Manet's, Da Vinci's (and the set for the movie about his code)... you know... all the famous ones...

I've been to the markets down in Camdon Town (where I got some of the coolest gifts EVER!)

I've spent hours in the Science Museum... and watched the entire first season of Lost (minus the last 5 episodes... stupid not having stupid downloaded all of them)

I'm going to see the church where theatre actually began... and the show that's defined modern musicals... and another one (I haven't decided which one yet)

I've met the VFX editor for Kingdom of Heaven and the 1st Asst. Editor for Sahara... (perhaps that's only cool to me... oh well)

I've done all of this, all of this I have done... and there is much more to do still. But, I think I'm about ready to come home...

For now... dun dun dun...

Danmark (the way it's really spelled)

This is a place of beautiful women, rich food, and smelly fish...

I've been here three weeks now and I've yet to see more than a basement, an empty classroom and a hospital... Too bad I leave tomorrow morning for the airport back to London... too bad indeed...

Oh well, now I have an excuse to come back... Somehow, I don't think this really explains how much I'll miss this place... maybe I'll put something longer on... maybe...
