Dr. Fantastic, M.D.

The thoughts, ramblings, philosophies, writings, ideas, presumptions, concoctions, conjurations, conjugations and congregations of one Joel Petrie.

Snakes on a Plane - A Review

I finally (after a desperate car trip home) got to see this cultural masterpiece, this intervention on life... this... experience.

Now, I know for a fact that alot of people are not going to like this film... I mean... snakes on a plane... come on... maybe it'll be because they don't get it... or maybe because they are uptight and have a stick up their whatsit... but the truth of the matter is... I LOVED IT!

Not because of the clever, loveable characters. Not because of a plane full of hot chicks and fast talking gangsters. Not because of the ridiculously ridiculous ways people die by being bitten by every known poisonous snake in the world. No, not even because Sam Jackson is the baddest of all men to ever walk the planet ever. Nope, not because of any of that... but because I had fun watching a movie...

I KNOW! I can hardly believe it myself! (now to explain/tangent) This summer I have had the most fun watching new movies I can remember... Superman Returns, Pirates of the Caribbean, Monster House, Lady in the Water (which I'm sure some of you would debate)... and now... Snakes on a Plane... What next!?

Hollywood, please... keep these movies rolling out your doors... keep the sequels, prequels and remakes out of my theatres (at least for a little while)... keep it flowing the way it's going...

But, back to Snakes on a Plane... I went into this film expecting it to be awesomely bad. You know, where the movie is just SO bad, SO ridiculous that you can't help but like it...? Well, it was so much MORE than that in this case... which is going to be hard to explain, so I'll just do it the best that I can and you can all move on with your lives:

I found myself laughing hysterically, jumping out of my seat (which I haven't done for the longest of times), feeling genuine pain (for the graphic makeup and the characters loss...) and most importantly, I found myself cheering and clapping as Sam Jackson and the other passengers beat the living tissue out of CG (and some real) snakes!!

I left the theatre thinking of ways it could have been better and found myself being completely and utterly stumped. On the drive home, I found myself singing Cobra Starship's Snakes on a Plane (Bring it) (which the music video of was played over the end credits... a cozy touch, by the by)

Anyhoo, to wrap it up, if you think you can handle some extreme satire (and some crazy painful gore effects), GO SEE THIS MOVIE! Like I stated earlier... this movie is an experience.... A good one... NAY! A GREAT one.... Thank you movies, thank you.

Snakes on a Plane. A phenom. An oddity. The winner of nothing... but my heart.
