Dr. Fantastic, M.D.

The thoughts, ramblings, philosophies, writings, ideas, presumptions, concoctions, conjurations, conjugations and congregations of one Joel Petrie.

Cavemen smell awful

Sunday morning, 10.30, I'm sitting in the basement of a projects type apartment building in London... I've spent alot of time in basements on this voyage... weird...

Anyhoo... Yesterday it rained... finally... i've been in london a week and it's been around 35 degrees (95 to you non metrics) with no clouds and effin' muggy, humidity... I sweat lilke a thousand moist towelettes I tell you... a thousand...

Not to mention the constant, pregnant lady glow...

I've seen every cool site in london... you know... the important ones... I've been to the Shakespeare's Globe Theatre and seen an amazing rendition of The Winter's Tale... I've been to the Tate Modern and seen a 20' x 20' maroon square that is referred to by many... as art...

I've seen Picasso's, Van Gogh's, Rembrandt's, Monet's, Manet's, Da Vinci's (and the set for the movie about his code)... you know... all the famous ones...

I've been to the markets down in Camdon Town (where I got some of the coolest gifts EVER!)

I've spent hours in the Science Museum... and watched the entire first season of Lost (minus the last 5 episodes... stupid not having stupid downloaded all of them)

I'm going to see the church where theatre actually began... and the show that's defined modern musicals... and another one (I haven't decided which one yet)

I've met the VFX editor for Kingdom of Heaven and the 1st Asst. Editor for Sahara... (perhaps that's only cool to me... oh well)

I've done all of this, all of this I have done... and there is much more to do still. But, I think I'm about ready to come home...

For now... dun dun dun...
